This program will update After Dark version 2.0, 2.0h, 2.0s, 2.0t, 2.0u, 2.0v, or 2.0w to version 2.0x. It will also update all of the modules from the After Dark 2.0 package.
After Dark 2.0x (like After Dark 2.0w) is completely compatible with system software from 6.0.4 up to and including System 7.1. It is also compatible with the Mac Plus or later. This includes the Quadras, and Apple’s Fall 1992 models - IIvx, IIvi, Performas, and PowerBooks & Duos.
NOTE: After Dark version 2.0x requires System 6.0.4 or later. If you have System 6.0.3 or earlier, you will need to upgrade your system software before this Updater will work.
To use this program, choose “Update…” from the “File” menu.
When the update is finished, you will have After Dark version 2.0x. You must restart you computer before using After Dark.
If you are running System 6, After Dark and the After Dark Files folder must be in the System Folder. If you are running System 7, After Dark must be in the Control Panels folder or the Extensions folder; the After Dark Files folder must be in the System Folder, Control Panels folder, Extensions folder, Preferences folder or on the desktop.
If you have changed the names or removed any of the files in the “After Dark Files” folder they will not be updated.
Virus detection programs may alert you that changes are being made to files on your computer. Either turn off your virus program prior to running this Updater, or tell your virus program that this is acceptable.
If you have After Dark version 1.0, 1.1, or 1.1c, please contact Berkeley Systems about upgrading to After Dark 2.0x (ask for Customer Service). This upgrade costs $14.95 (plus tax for California residents).
You can also update your version of After Dark by mailing your After Dark 2.0 master disk to:
Berkeley Systems Inc.
2095 Rose Street
Berkeley, CA 94709
If you have a technical question or problem with After Dark, you can contact us by phone, FAX, or an online bulletin board. If you phone or FAX, please ask for “Macintosh technical support.”
Phone: (510) 540-5535
FAX: (510) 540-5115
America Online:
Berkeley Systems’ screen name is “BrklySystm” and our product support forum is in the Industry Connection area. Just enter the keyword “BerkSys”.
AppleLink: Our AppleLink address is D0346.
Berkeley Systems’ address is 75300,1376. Our product support forum is Section 5 of the Macintosh Vendor B forum. Just enter GO MACBVEN at any ! prompt.
Internet: Mail reaches us at “”.